Licensed in Missouri and Kansas

Big Brother is Watching

Insurance companies have databases with information on people who have had prior insurance claims. They use these databases, called claims indexes, when someone has been hurt in a personal injury accident such as a slip and fall or motor vehicle accident. They use this information against these individuals when they make a claim for compensation for their injuries.

They also keep information on personal injury lawyers and use that information against them during settlement negotiation. For example, if a lawyer is a pushover or has no trial experience, then they are less likely to get a fair settlement offer. But, if the lawyer is experienced and knowledgeable, then the chances of getting a better offer are higher.

My firm has both the trial experience and the knowledge to maximize settlement recovery. We are also willing to go to court when justice requires. If you need a personal injury lawyer in Kansas City who is dedicated to protecting your rights and advocating your best interest, please contact us today for help!
